Customized Web Apps
Built by Experts

  • Device Screen
  • Device Screen
  • Device Screen

Web App Design & Development

We build Web Apps as per your business goals and target audiences to achieve envisioned process efficiency. Our engineers navigate the entire lifecycle of ideation, blueprinting and beta testing the app before readying it for production

PWA Design & Development

PWAs are Progressive Web Apps that offer enriched user experience on mobile devices without actually installing a native mobile app. We design and implement PWAs for your Mobile Websites, to enhance engagement for mobile users.

API Creation and Integration

Get customized APIs created for your business usage or end-us delivery with full support for your back-end. We also integrate 3r and Tools for increasing the usability of your application

Why is nearly 90% of mobile internet time spent on apps?

SaaS Web Apps and Mobile Apps are dominating the market with their sheer popularity, and a wide variety of use cases they serve. Most startups and Enterprises are eyeing web apps for engaging customers towards their businesses or resolving internal needs.Web Apps provide ease-of-use, cross-platform accessibility, and a manageable mode of delivering services to end-users, without relying on a specific OS. They’re faster to develop than native software and easier to upgrade with changing scenarios.

Benefits of Web Apps and PWAs

● Build an interconnected solution for meeting customer demands and providing services.
● Launch integrated marketing efforts for engaging users beyond social media and paid advertising.
● Increase enterprise mobility with full importance given to data security.
● Make software distribution easier while preserving copyrights and user data over the web.
● Automating business processes with easily accessible APIs and data capturing..
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    Active Users
The Aarya Factor

Why go with Aarya Technologies for Web Apps?


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Contact Info

Aarya Technologies Ltd
Arena Business Centres,
100 Berkshire Place,
Wokingham, RG41 5RD
United Kingdom